Month: July 2023

  • Human Resources

    Can You Get a Rash From Detox of Alcohol?

    As many as 40% of patients with alcohol use disorder are admitted to the ICU due to their alcohol withdrawal symptoms (AWS). However, only 24% of patients with alcohol use disorder are ever treated. When left untreated, the mortality rate from withdrawal and detoxing is high. If you’re experiencing detox symptoms, you might notice a rash from detox of alcohol.…

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  • Business

    How to Reduce Business Insurance Costs

    Small business owners find that the cost of starting and running a small business is quickly climbing. Among those costs is business insurance. Depending on the type of business you have and the type of insurance you’re using, you might pay hundreds–if not thousands–of dollars each year to cover your products, operation, and more. However, there are things you can…

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  • Human Resources

    A Guide to the Best Heart Hospitals of 2023

    Are you living with heart problems? Are you looking for the best heart hospitals in the country to get yourself checked out? If so, look no further for what we’ve got you covered. We’ve got you covered with our list of the best heart hospitals for 2023. With that, let’s take a deep dive into exploring what you should keep…

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  • Ideas

    The Complete Guide to Wyndham Resort Vacations

    Are you in need of a sizzling summer getaway away? Or maybe a quiet and relaxing trip during the off-season? If so, put Wyndham Resort vacations at the top of your travel bucket list! Travel and vacations have become a staple of the 21st century. Millions of people indulge in the pastime, whether it is a city break, a week’s…

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  • Marketing & Sales

    Exciting UX Design Trends

    UX is the crucial driving force behind any successful business. It can be the difference between getting new customers and getting none. As such, UX can make or break this essential part of a business. The importance of UX design cannot be overstated. For this reason, it is vital to update and highlight the importance of UX design trends. 1.…

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  • Business

    12 Reasons Why an Employee Recognition Board is Important

    Only 35 percent of employees have received recognition for good work in the last year. It’s no secret that recognition is one of the most important factors in employee engagement. The simple act of giving employees recognition for a job well done can have a tremendous impact on their morale. But many employers fall short of recognizing their staff members.…

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  • Marketing & Sales

    A Guide to Getting a Tubal Reversal in Texas

    Almost every adult woman who has had trouble getting pregnant knows that she can feel both hopeful and desperate at the same time. Some people might find starting or growing a family easier than they thought. This can go as far as choosing to have a tubal reversal treatment to make that dream come true. If you are in this…

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  • Human Resources

    6 RV Road Trip Errors and How to Avoid Them

    Going on an RV trip is exciting. You’ll spend time with your family to have fun, see places, and create memories. Unfortunately, some things might go wrong while on your RV road trip. Some mistakes can ruin the journey or cause injuries. You want to avoid getting injured while on a road trip you’ve planned for weeks. You need to…

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  • Technology

    4 Common Mistakes Hearing Aid Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

    Around 40 million Americans over 18 have trouble hearing; this is alarming, as it’s over 15% of the population. While hearing loss can be prevented in some cases, it can’t be in others. If you’re part of this demographic, then you might be lucky enough that hearing loss hasn’t affected your daily life. On the other hand, it can be…

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  • Technology

    How to Clean a Contact Lens Case

    Everyone who wears contacts knows how necessary contact lens cases are. These cases keep your contact lenses safe and clean. Thus, you need to do a few things to keep your case in tip-top shape. If you’re wondering how to clean a contact lens case, we’ve got some tips for you. Read on for our complete guide on how to…

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