
Inbound vs Outbound Leads: What’s the Difference?

Marketing automation is finally here for us small business owners!

We’ve had to wait for our content and social media to connect with an automation system. That was the first of many systems we needed to implement. Once these actionable items are completed, we should have a more productive system than ever.

With all the action happening in marketing automation, you may still doubt what it looks like to resolve your inbound vs outbound leads doubt. This online marketing plan is here to help. Here are the differences between inbound vs outbound marketing.


When compared to outgoing leads, inbound leads tend to show more interest. They are more likely to be interested in the product or service because they went out of their way to find the company based on their needs and wants.

On the other hand, outbound leads can have different amounts of interest or none at all. Since the company is coming to them instead of them going to them, there is a bigger chance that they will need to be a better fit for the product or service.


Businesses can learn much about their customers’ likes, wants, and pain points from inbound leads. These insights come from how they interact with the company’s material, use its website, and respond to different marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, outbound leads might not have as much information or a history of interaction. The first contact with outbound leads is usually more general because it is based on a wider targeting strategy than on specific lead insights.

Lead Generation Cost

Inbound leads generally have a lower cost per lead compared to outbound leads. This is especially true when considering the long-term benefits of organic services like content creation and SEO.

Cost-effectiveness stems from the organic nature of inbound marketing strategies. These are bolstered by effective BDR services that attract potential customers at a lower acquisition cost.

On the other hand, outbound lead creation usually costs more per lead. Outbound strategies may require spending money on paid advertising efforts, buying prospect lists, or allocating resources for cold calling and email marketing. These methods might reach a bigger crowd but often cost more upfront and don’t always work immediately.


Inbound leads can come to the company when they are already deciding what to buy or weighing their choices. They have gone out of their way to find the information they need, which makes them more likely to be open to the company’s products and messages.

On the other hand, export leads can be contacted anytime during their buyer’s journey, even if they have yet to be ready to buy. This lack of readiness can make the sales cycle longer because outgoing leads may need more time to learn about the product, build trust with the company, and figure out what they need.

Mastering Inbound vs Outbound Leads

In conclusion, the key difference between inbound vs outbound leads is that one is sourced actively while the other passively. Outbound leads involve pushing your message out to potential customers, while inbound leads are more about attracting customers to you.

Now that you understand the difference between inbound and outbound leads, why not combine both strategies to get the best results? Get in touch today to find out how!

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