
Private Gyms: How to Get a Job as a Personal Trainer

It’s not easy to get in shape. Many people just head to the gym without a plan and don’t see any results. This frustrates people because they can’t find the right way to do things.

And that’s where personal training helps. Many people turn to fitness experts for advice on getting in shape. And when the number of trainers is increasing, it’s a sign that it’s a good profession to enter.

If you’re interested in taking on personal trainer jobs in private gyms, there is a process to go through to start. Keep reading to learn how to get a trainer job at a fitness studio.

Determine Your Training Goals

There’s no one way to become a personal trainer. You have several options available, including helping people become stronger, eating healthier, and becoming more cardiovascular fit.

Each of them is unique and will bring on different clients. It’s up to you to determine your goals for training and the service you want to provide before you become a personal trainer.

You also have different types of classes to consider. You can work with people one-on-one or teach people in a group setting. If you have a good personality and can work with video, you can also instruct people online.

Pass the Prerequisites

Before you start the path to becoming a personal trainer, you have some prerequisites to pass. The health industry wants you to have a base level of education before training others.

There are a few things you need first:

  • High school diploma or GED
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) certification

Once you have these things, you can continue getting certified as a trainer. If you have a diploma or GED, there should be no need to return and do things again.

But the CPR and AED certifications can expire over time. Check the status of yours to see if it’s still valid. If not, you must retake the exams and renew your certifications.

Take a Training Course

Once you have the prequalifications to get your personal trainer certification, it’s time to learn what you need to get it. For most people, this will mean finding a training course and learning from the experts.

The course you pick will depend on the certification you decide to buy. Different facilities look at these certifications differently, so your pick will depend on your goals.

Here are a few of the common ones to consider:

  • ACE Personal Trainer Certification
  • American College of Sports Medicine Certification
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certification
  • National Council on Strength & Fitness

Look into what each of these certifications entails and find a training program that will teach you whatever you need to get them.

Develop Your Skills

You aren’t just caring for yourself when you become a personal trainer. You’re working with other people and helping them achieve their goals.

Much of that is taking problem-solving skills and applying them to other people. You need to look at someone’s current progress and devise a plan that helps them succeed.

These are skills that you’ll need to learn (if you don’t have them), and perfect those skills when you develop them. Work on honing these abilities while you’re training.

If you don’t have good customer service skills, this is also the time to work on those. You’re going into a people-focused professional, so having excellent customer service is essential.

Take Your Certification Exam

You won’t just be given certification after you complete your training. Once you complete your training course, it’s time to take the certification exam.

The specifics of the exam will depend on the type of certification you can get. Visit the website of your chosen certification to see what’s required to qualify.

In many cases, it’s a matter of taking a test and answering questions. If you answer enough answers correctly, you’ll pass and get certified.

There are also many ways to get certified. You can find a center nearby if you want to do it in person. Many exams also offer online options for those who want it.

Create Your Resume

You’re ready to start looking for a training job after you get certified. But first, you’ll need to assemble your qualifications for potential employers.

Start this process by creating a resume. Talk about your time getting educated and certified. Let potential employers know what skills you have and why they matter for the gym.

You can also talk about your specialties on your resume. Are you someone focused solely on strength, or are you a general instructor that can help people in various areas?

Take on Your First Clients

It’s time to start working after you get your resume completed. Since you plan to work at a private gym, your clients will come to them.

Many locations will give clients to you. They will match you with who they believe will be a good fit and see how you respond to those customers.

In other cases, it’s on you to bring clients in. You’ll advertise your service in various places and have them come to the gym you offer the service.

Prepare Well to Become a Trainer at Private Gyms

Becoming a personal trainer can be a rewarding profession. You get to help people meet their fitness goals and become healthier. And when the personal trainer salary is also worthwhile, it makes sense to get started with the career.

But you’ll need to do some work before you can begin working for private gyms. Follow the advice above to start your personal trainer career the right way.

Do you want to learn more about getting the most out of your career? Check out more helpful posts on the blog to read more advice.

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