Month: July 2023

  • Finance

    Inbound vs Outbound Leads: What’s the Difference?

    Marketing automation is finally here for us small business owners! We’ve had to wait for our content and social media to connect with an automation system. That was the first of many systems we needed to implement. Once these actionable items are completed, we should have a more productive system than ever. With all the action happening in marketing automation,…

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  • Business

    3 Common Hiring Challenges Small Business Face

    Are you a small business owner? Are you facing challenges in hiring the right people for your business? Many entrepreneurs think about how to hire the right people for their businesses. This can help them to grow more. After all, you need to hire the right people to help your company thrive. Yet it is a challenging process. Several common…

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  • Technology

    A Guide to the Best Headlamps for Hunting

    Headlamps are amazing tools that can expand your hunting capabilities. You can scout, hunt, or explore beyond sunset or sunrise. There are many headlamps on the market today. With so many options, it can be difficult to decide which one is ideal for hunting. The light you choose in the forest should be of a high quality. It should provide…

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  • Human Resources

    How to Handle Supply Chain Disruptions in the Airline Industry

    Operational logistics are integral to any large business. A reliable supply chain is vital for the success of an organization. It’s vital to remain resilient when setbacks occur to avoid halting operations. If you’re involved in the airline industry, you know quite a bit about supply chain disruptions. High demand and stretched resources are an annual reality for airlines. How…

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  • Marketing & Sales

    What Are the Main Types of Limos?

    Whether it’s for a wedding, prom, or another special moment, renting a limo is an awesome way to celebrate. The cost to rent a limo varies based on your location and the type of limousine you choose. So, what are the main types of limos available, and which one will suit your needs? Read on to learn more about your…

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  • Business

    The Best Online Software Solutions for Remote Employees

    Remote work has seen an uptick since the pandemic came around. When everyone needed to shelter at home, companies shifted to remote work to ensure people could still function. And now that the pandemic is over, many of those people want to stick with the same arrangements. That’s why it’s no surprise that 35% of people now work remotely full-time.…

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  • Human Resources

    How to Become a Better Student: Tips for Helping Your Child Succeed at School

    Did you know that successful students use smart rather than hard approaches to studying? One of the leading causes of stress for today’s youth is school. Add to that the fact that they have to study hard outside of school hours. It’s no wonder that students become distraught. So, it’s essential to know how to study well. Every parent wants…

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  • Ideas

    5 Luxury Vacation Ideas for You to Consider

    About 100 million Americans go on vacation at least once a year. It’s always nice to take a trip, but most would agree that quality is more important than quantity. Luxury getaways can make for the best breaks, and there are plenty of places to go. In this guide, we’ll talk about five luxury vacations that you should consider for…

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  • Human Resources

    5 Benefits of Montessori Homeschooling

    Your child’s education is the starting point for a lifelong journey. If you want to get them started strong, put some thought into their schooling. Today, the Montessori philosophy is growing in popularity. Montessori schools are popping up all over and parents are getting to know the many benefits. There are approximately 500 public Montessori schools today. There were less…

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  • Technology

    Helpful Tips on Collecting Unpaid Invoices

    Did you know that 49% of the invoices produced by businesses in the United States go on to become overdue? Receiving late payments from customers is a common problem for most businesses. Delaying the payment of your invoices can lead to some pretty bad outcomes. This can hamper your cash flow, and delays in cash flow can lead to your…

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